Grant Lam: SouthEast LeatherFest boy 2004

"You have to try it ONCE, before you say you don't like!"

That is my motto in life, and believe me, it has gotten this boy in more trouble than you would believe!

Let me introduce myself. I am grant. Your new SouthEast Leatherfest Leatherboy 2004. I relocated to Atlanta in October of last year, and was excited that the Leather Community was so accepting of a "Yankee" coming to town. This town is full of so much leather potential. And to the men and boys, one word, "WOOF"!

I have been in the Leather BDSM scene since 2000, and in 4 years have learned a lot, experienced a lot, and still learning new things everyday. Mixing the traditions of the Old Guard and the new traditions of the New Guard is very exciting to me, and I like to promote this lifestyle. I did not choose to be gay, but I choose the Leather BDSM lifestyle! And have never regretted it once.


As your new SELFboy 2004, I have my worked cut off for myself. Some of my goals are:    

A.Increase my knowledge of the Past, Present, and Future of the Leather Communities of the South and Leather History.    

B.To try to be a Leatherboy Leader in the South, so that when boys who are just coming into the lifestyle can have someone to go to for guidance, information, and to learn from the knowledge that I have and continue to learn.    

C.Attend leather events in the South promoting myself as a contestant for American Brotherhood Weekend in April 2005 and promote SELF itself.    

D.Learn more about the "Girl Power" movement and how this movement impacts the world of the "Leather boy."    

E.And promote my personal cause of Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery or Gastric Bypass. (Yes, I used to weigh 405 pounds. Want to see the photo, email me!)

And the final goal of goals:

To get ONE boy from each of the states I represent to compete at SELF 10, 2005! This is going to be a tough one! But I believe its possible!

Check out my calendar to see where I will be during my year as SELFboy. I have a busy schedule, with emails coming all time inviting me to attend events. That is a good feeling! And since winning this title, the former titleholders across the US have sent some very inspiring emails about the World of Leather and my "new place" in it.

I also need to give some Thank You's to people who helped me win this title!

digger, Thanks for making me laugh when I need it!    

Kyle, Always giving me the best advice out there!    

Daddy Bill, Thanks for the Hair Cut, You are the best!    

Master Z, Like I tell you every time I see you, THANK YOU!!!    

And to the Entire SELF board, Thank You for everything! I know I want to make you proud!    

And last but not certainly least, Catherine Gross. No words can express the gratitude!

So in closing, The New SouthEast LeatherFest 2004 is active, full of energy, and ready to serve the Leather Community in anyway possible!

In Leather grant