Leadership Opportunities

All positions are volunteer positions.  Ideal SELF candidates are able to participate between 4-5+ hours a week. Each position has unique time needs and skill sets. Thank you for your interest!

Information about you:

Scene Name:

Please note any social media you are willing to have linked to SELF if you are onboarded.

Phone Number *
    E-mail: *
    Best times to reach you:

    Please know if you join SELF staff/board your phone number will be shared with others on the staff/board for the purpose of contacting you. You may receive a text to schedule a get to know you call or zoom. Filling out this form is consent for this action.

    SELF prioritizes diverse and marginalized voices. Please share your heritage, cultural, racial, disability, gender, social, sexual, and other identities and/or state of being. (Examples are Alaskan Native, Asian, Black, BiPOC, ChicanX, Desi, First Nation, Hispanic, Indian, Jewish, Gay, Latine or Latinx, Multi Racial, Native American, non-binary, Pacific Islander, Pasifika, or Queer.) These are a few examples, please share your language.
    Do you work best on teams, independently, or in another way?
    Please list any experience or skill sets you believe would contribute well to SELF.
    Please list any other organizations you are involved with or other potential conflicts of interest.
    Have you been convicted of a crime? (if yes, please explain)
    Have you been banned from any public kink establishments, munches, events, or the like? Have you had any consent issues?
    Please provide 2-3 references: (name, phone and e-mail please)

    Technical Information

    Please let us know which of these you own.
    Smart Phone
    What computer platform do you operate on?
    Please check all options that apply to you.  Do you have any of the following software and are proficient:
    Adobe Creative Suite
    Dropbox Familiar
    Adobe Illustrator
    Adobe Photoshop
    Adobe InDesign

    Available Positions 

    For more information on specific positions, please visit https://secure.seleatherfest.com/participate/leadership-opportunities.

    Volunteer Assistant
    Supply Coordinator
    Other (we have possibilities!)