MasterNwachiMaster Nwachi: SIGS + Spirituality/BIPOC/Advocacy

Master Nwachi Tafari, Ed.D., Ph.D., C.S.C., C.W.C. (Master_Nwachi on FET Life).

Master Nwachi is a professional wellness Coach and sexology scholar. His focuses are the connection between holistic wellness and sexual health as well as aging well. He holds Master Life Coaching Certifications in Human Transformation, Spirituality, and Mindset from Transformation Academy; a Sexologist Certification from Sex Coach U; and Nutrition & Wellness Coaching Certifications from the National Association of Sports Medicine (NASM).

Moreover, he holds an Ed.D. in higher education & adult development and a Ph.D. in the human sciences with a research focus on BDSM spirituality and personal growth.

As it pertains to the BDSM community, Master Nwachi specializes in cultivating and harnessing erotic energy as a means promoting holistic wellbeing and erotic spirituality, particularly through the soulful path of Fetish Sexuality and BDSM.

Master Nwachi is a patched member of the SCIENCE of BDSM researchers, and he works with The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance (TASHRA). Moreover, he is the researcher director for Sex Coach U (SCU.)

It is Master Nwachi’s hope to conduct research in Kink in order to help establish BDSM practice and fetishsexuality as a viable way to live one’s live socially and legally. All of Master Nwachi’s research and published work focuses on adult development, Kink, intersectionality, human sexuality, and human wellbeing.

Lastly, his greatest accomplishments are sharing the responsibility of rearing two daughters (now young women) De (Day) and Niani Tafari.